230 Park Avenue 3/4 Floor West, NY 10169   |  844-523-3832 (844 Debt). |   (917) 893-4517 |   |   en Spanish

Debt Settlement/Arbitration/Negotiation

“Pay off your debt for much less than you owe and quickly regain your financial stability!”

Of all the debt relief programs available, debt settlement through negotiation/arbitration is becoming more attractive for borrowers who see no way out but to declare bankruptcy. These days it's not hard to fall behind in paying monthly bills or default on loans. You can expect debt collectors to call you and demand their money if you miss payments for 3-6 months. If you fail to pay within 180 days, your creditor solicits another company or an affiliate company to negotiate and collect on their behalf.

Settling a Debt

Debt Settlement is one option available to consumers to get out of crippling debt and live stress-free as they get back on their financial feet. A lender and a borrower come to an agreement through an arbitration company for a one-time payoff toward the balance owed. This payoff is generally considerably less than what the borrower owes. For example, if a borrower owes $20,000 on a credit card, they can approach the credit card issuer and offer to pay a $10,000 lump sum and close the
account. The issuer can agree and write off the $10,000 as debt forgiveness.

Why would a lending company forgo such a large sum of money you ask? They look at your inability to pay and resolve to recoup as much as possible, fearing they may get nothing at all! The credit card company wants to protect its bottom line, which is something to remember throughout the negotiation.

A credit card loan is an unsecured debt, so the company cannot seize an asset to compensate for an unpaid debt. If your debt is desperately spiraling out of control and leading to bankruptcy, don’t hide away! They may be willing to take what they can get to keep solvent.

Limpia Deudas Arbitrators/Negotiators

Let Limpia Deudas negotiate a debt forgiveness settlement for you with your creditors. You pay considerably less than what you owe! We go after the principal owed and bargain with your creditors for a debt settlement program, which can see you paying approximately half of what you owe.

Our expert arbitrators/negotiators are committed to initiating a settlement that provides debt relief and forgiveness for every one of our indebted clients! Contact Limpia Deudas at 844-523-3832 or swing by 230 Park Avenue, ¾ Floor West, NY, 10169, to discuss your debt forgiveness program.

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